--> Lego Men Have Those Little Holes In The Top Of Their Head To Allow Air To Pass Through Should A Child Ever Get One Stuck In Their Throat - JustPost: Virtually entertaining

Two guys are playing golf. The women in front of them are really taking their time and are slowing the men up.

So one man says to his friend, "I'm gonna go ask those ladies if we can play through."

He starts walking, but about halfway there, he turns around. When he gets back, his friend asks what happened.

He replies, "One of those women is my wife, and the other is my mistress. Why don't you go talk to them?"

So the second man starts to walk over. He gets halfway there and turns around.

When he gets back, his friend asks,"Now what happened?"

To this he replies, "Small world."

Need to iron a shirt but don’t have time? Hang it up in the bathroom while you shower and the steam combined with the heat will cause the wrinkles to come out.

If you’ve just met someone but you forget their name simply ask them what their name is. When they tell you, say “no, I meant your last name.” This way you don’t seem rude while being reminded of what their name is.

Want a cold beer but don’t want to wait? Take a wet paper towel and wrap it around the can or bottle. Place the beer upright in the freezer and it will be nicely chilled within two minutes.

Want to get more gasoline for your buck? Fill up your tank when it’s cold out. This is easy during the winter, but during warmer months, try to fill it up only at night. During the day gasoline expands due to the heat, so you’re not getting as much as you pay for.

Here’s a nice rule and it will serve you well when eating out, especially on a date. If you can’t afford to tip at least 20%, you can’t afford to go out.

Hate bad hair days, especially when it’s humid because your hair is so frizzy? Squeeze some lemon in to your shampoo bottle, the acidity will cause your hair to be less frizzy.

If you are ever worried about a cab driver scamming you by taking a longer route, put the destination in the GPS on your phone, this way it’s impossible for him to screw you over.

If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t fast. When you skip meals your body actually holds on to fat longer as it doesn’t know when it will be getting its next calorie boost, thus making it harder to burn calories from fat.

Statistically, airplane tickets are cheapest around 50 days before the flight. The second cheapest is the day of the flight because the airline is pressed to fill seats.

Drinking cold water on an empty stomach can greatly increase your metabolism. Your body has to work harder to warm the water up for digestion.

Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates.

"In honor of this holy season," Saint Peter said, "you must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven."

The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. It represents a candle, he said.

You may pass through the pearly gates Saint Peter said.

The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, "They're bells" . Saint Peter said you may pass through the pearly gates.

The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's panties.

St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, "And just what do those symbolize?"

The man replied, "They're Carols".